My Story 


After a dysfunctional upbringing full of struggle, poverty, chaos, unpredictability and instability, I numbed away my pain during my teen years lighting up the pleasure centers in my brain with adrenaline rushes, drugs and alcohol. I dreamt of a better life while simultaneously heading down a very destructive path. Just after I turned 20, I found myself four months pregnant, living with my baby’s father, who had just left me for another girl, evicted with no hydro because he was secretly spending our bill money on his addictions.

My life situation was messy and having the responsibility for an innocent little human was my reason to figure my s#it out! Becoming a mom is what initiated my personal development and awakening out of deep unconsciousness. It did not happen all at once, it has been and continues to be a beautiful unfolding.

I did not grow up with positive role models around me and didn't have a support system, so I started to learn and asked for help when I couldn't figure it out on my own. I’m blessed and grateful for all the helping hands I received on my journey. Even though he says I did all the work, a notable mentor who I consider my dad to this day, was a tremendous influence and support who helped me shift my life. I aspire to pay what he has done for me forward:)

I worked 3 part-time jobs in 3 different towns to get enough hours for maternity leave while I finished up grade 12. Found an amazing little cabin for $500 a month, utilities included, with a washer and dryer on a big property. Went to mom & baby groups, started doing yoga and tried to figure out what I was going to do with my life.

I decided I wanted to get a career where I was helping people, could work for myself, have flexibility with my schedule and didn't have to work full time so I could have time with my son. I did research, wrote essays and jumped through the hoops to get funding from the government to go to school to become a Registered Massage Therapist. I moved to Victoria, BC, and started the 3000 hour program when my son was 14 months old.

My life was rapidly changing and the new environment profoundly influenced me. Even though I was living off minimal money, I found a way to invest in my health and wellness, because their value was made evident all around me. It was eye opening to understand the intricacies of the human body, how it functions down to the chemical level and how disease and illness develop if the systems are too far out of balance. With so much responsibility being a full-time student while single parenting, I started to understand that I needed to care of myself, the best I possibly could, so that I could stay resilient. 

Over the years I have kept learning, taking courses, reading many books and soaking up as much knowledge and skills about health, wellness and personal development that I can because it helps me so much. Learning about myself and caring for my mind, body and soul has improved my quality of life beyond measure. The more I work on myself, I reach higher lasting levels of clarity, focus, function, energy, peace, joy, strength, confidence and understanding.

One of my biggest missions has been to be a "good" mom - to make sure my son feels seen, heard, loved, accepted for who he is and has opportunities to thrive. I am proud to say, I have an excellent relationship with my teenage son and I love seeing how my path, decisions and actions have influenced him as well - he sees me working on myself and he is now mirroring that. We are the biggest role models for our kids! 

My journey has been full of ups and downs and it has been a process of going through challenges, learning, growing, hard work, trial and error to get to where I am at now. I’ve gone through major growth and reconstruction of my life a few times over, and the silver lining for the toughest parts has been the gift of deeper levels of consciousness. I have learned that it's not about getting rid of problems, it's about having enough inner strength, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to work through them. 

The last few years have brought many changes to humanity as a whole and it has been stressful to some degree for each person on the entire globe! Personally, I have had to focus a lot more attention on my self care to be able to adapt and adjust to the shifting. The skills and tools I have learned along my journey have been crucial to soften this transition.

I believe the world needs as many positive leaders as possible right now, and I am excited to create space to help others with holistic, natural, spiritual stress management through health, wellness and personal development. I have turned the best of what I have learned since 2004 that started as a quest to be the best mom possible, into a collection of offerings where I can help others learn to live optimally by focusing on what they have control over: themselves:)

Chelsey Forbes,

Registered Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor & Life Coach